Yesterday, ayende posted some blog about some code with which he didn’t agree. I read it with apathetic eyes. I really go there to read the comments that people leave on his blog. Opinionated people draw opinionated readers. The post, about CQRS in some example app written once-upon-a-time, had people chattering like squirrels since CQRS has become a buzz-worthy thing. (I call it the Fowler Effect.)

About 20 comments in, someone wrote something about DTOs. It goes like this.

This kind of separation [CQRS] sounds good for me, because you can design queries based on UI, with specific DTOs, while I can design commands to affect my domain model, via write side of it, based on user tasks.

I don’t think this guy wrote anything offensive; it has a certain value of insight. I realized while reading it, though, that I can no longer abide the term “DTO”.

For those of you not in the know, a Data Transfer Object provides a typed representation for passing information between two layers of your application. Those layers can physically run in the same process or across the world. A DTO supplies a message contract. Also, we can’t bother most developers to figure out efficient serialization and deserialization algorithms for their objects. They’d rather use the ones provided by whatever their specific runtime or platform has in their communication packages.

I really dislike the “O” in “DTO.” I refer you to my first and second posts where I wheedle on about object-oriented design and falafel. The sum total of those posts: Classes define behavior. Objects perform it.

In object-oriented programming, we have a mantra, “Tell. Don’t ask.” We have that mantra because our objects, defined by classes, have behavior!

A Domain Transfer Object has no behavior. Thus, they do have the defining characteristic of an object.

From now on, I will call them “DT-NO”s: Data Transfer Non-Objects. Also, I think “ditno” sounds kind of funny.