Recent Posts

A quotation reading "You are not what you do. You are what you repeatedly think."
16 Jul 2024
Train Your Mind To Succeed

Going from being a coder to a writer requires a fundamental shift in my reality

A man standing with an umbrella under an app badge at 9,999+
3 Jun 2024
The Bane Of The Badge

I cannot abide badges. There is no way to escape them.

Two people jumping at the beach with the sun setting behind them by Jill Wellington
28 May 2024
The Power Of Two

A different way to provide estimates for features if you're tired of story points, T-shirt sizes, or burrito options.

A cheerful bald man giving two thumbs up by Andrea Piacquadio
16 Oct 2020
Coping the Nice Things

In which I visit my inability to accept the nice.

Current Projects

Terraformers animationTerraformers animation
Animation project
Status: In development

I am working as a script writer, artist, rigger, and animator on this fun and philosophical series.


When The Dead Die

Writing project
Status: In design

I am writing a supernatural thriller novel.

47 books, 24,037 pages read this year

Oh, boy, I like to read. Here are the 47 books I've read so far this year the most recent book first. Each is linked to The StoryGraph, a better alternative to Amazon's GoodReads.

Old thoughts

Here is some old stuff that I've written dating back to 2011. A few articles are okay. The rest of it, YMMV.